Author Archives: admin
Can I use on-line marketing to promote my company branding?
The branding of a company is important as it builds long-term trust and recognition; people need to believe in a company before they make a purchase. The Internet can be used to build brand awareness and to pass on … Continue reading
How do I choose the right keywords
You need to take your keyword research very seriously as it is the foundation of your entire on-line marketing campaign. If you start to optimise and promote phrases that people are not using, you will not get the visitor numbers … Continue reading
Growing your keyword list
Wordtracker is an online tool that can be used to grow the seed words into a keyword list, it is a powerful tool and can give us a lot of information including suggesting words related to our own, looking for … Continue reading
How can social networking help with my on-line marketing?
Social networking and social book marking sites allow people with similar interests to get together in groups and discuss the subjects and products they are interested in. This can be of use if you are marketing your products and … Continue reading
How 0845 numbers can help your on-line marketing
Using 0845 numbers on your website and only on your website allows you to track how many people are calling you as a result of having seen your website. The calls can only come from your website as that … Continue reading
What is social networking?
Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace provide a forum where people with similar interests can get together. Social networking and book marking sites are among the most popular sites on the Internet and they allow users to … Continue reading
Should I have a blog?
If you have a website that offers information as well as products and if you have the time to post new information regularly, then you should have a blog. A blog can be a useful addition to your existing … Continue reading
What keywords do I use on each page?
A website is made up of web pages, each of these pages can and should rank in the search engine results (SERPS) in their own right, and the way we make this happen is to focus each page on a … Continue reading
Competitor analysis – get higher search engine rankings
Conducting Competitor analysis will help get higher search engine rankings for your website. Before we make the final decision on what keywords to use we need to look at who the competition are, and why they are raking so … Continue reading
Wordtracker – Growing your keyword list
Wordtracker is an online tool that can be used to grow the seed words into a keyword list, it is a powerful tool and can give us a lot of information including suggesting words related to our own, looking for … Continue reading