On the 20th February Cravenplan held their “E-Bay for fun and profit” seminar at Salisbury Playhouse as part of their sponsorship of the play, The Seven Year Itch. This event was held at lunch time and repeated in the evening and welcomed many new faces along, all with varied levels of experience of E-Bay but who were interested in how to get the most out of it.
The seminar looked at the history of E-Bay and how, since it launched in 1995, there are E-Bay sites in 39 countries, making it a widely recognised platform to buy and sell goods. At the same time, areas for caution were explored such as checking feedback to ensure the seller has a good reputation. Similarly when you are selling you should always include the postage and packaging costs in the price, otherwise you may ultimately make a loss and how ending the sale on a Sunday evening can potentially double the amount you receive.
This seminar equipped the delegates with many tips on how to maximise their use of E-Bay whether for personal use or to promote a business and make profit.
For more information about how Cravenplan can help you generate more business through your Web site with their bespoke Web marketing support.
08 March – Digital Photography (lunch or evening) – Salisbury Playhouse
15 March – Digital Photography (lunch or evening)
20 April – Search Engine Optimisation
18 May – What Makes a Web Site Successful? 3hr Workshop
14 June – Using Video on the Web
10 July – E-Bay (lunch or evening
03 August – E-mail Marketing
07 September – Law and the Internet
26 September – Facebook for Businesses 3hr Workshop
11 October – Psychology of the Web
01 November – 101 Ways to Promote your Website
21 November – Conversion Rate Optimisation
06 December – Writing for the Web