On the 15th February Cravenplan took one of their seminars on the road, the first of five external seminars in 2012. They teamed up with Icon Business Solutions and were the first to host an event at the new Salisbury and South Wilts Sports Club. The seminar was attended by a variety of local businesses all looking for innovative ways to improve and promote their business.
Chris Stanbury managing director of Cravenplan opened the seminar with 101 ways to promote your Web site. These suggestions ranged from straightforward and free recommendations like ensuring all of your staff know your Web site address to the more bizarre and paid forms such as projecting your Web site address with a laser onto a building. The 101 ideas were designed to offer each person five or six to suit their own business model and budget, as well as suggesting methods for measuring success such as QR codes and track-able freephone numbers
Tony Field C.Dir business adviser from Icon Business Solutions, discussed 3 vital steps to grow your business. He explained how if your business is not growing then it is under threat of going under. Tony’s motivational presentation got people thinking about how to make money, reduce working hours and build a successful and committed team. For more information on how Icon Business Solutions can help your business please visit www.iconbusinesssolutions.com.
The two presentations showered the attendees with top tips for taking their business forward, through clever online promotional ideas and improving internal business systems.
For more information about how Cravenplan can help you generate more business through your Web site with their bespoke Web marketing support, contact us
20 February – Digital Photography (evening) – Salisbury Playhouse
08 March – E-Bay (evening) – Salisbury Playhouse
15 March – Digital Photography (lunch or evening)
20 April – Search Engine Optimisation
18 May – What Makes a Web Site Successful? 3hr Workshop
14 June – Using Video on the Web
10 July – E-Bay (lunch or evening
03 August – E-mail Marketing
07 September – Law and the Internet
26 September – Facebook for Businesses 3hr Workshop
11 October – Psychology of the Web
01 November – 101 Ways to Promote your Website
21 November – Conversion Rate Optimisation
06 December – Writing for the Web