Are your expectations of search engine dominance realistic? People have different feelings and thoughts as to what they need their website to achieve for them, some need it to be found for lots of different phrases that bring in visitors looking for information on a varieties of subjects while others are focused on one term that they are convinced will see the site become a roaring success.
In reality you need to understand that you are not going to be able to compete with the big mortgage companies if you do not have a huge marketing budget to throw at the keywords. Trying to compete for phrases that are unrealistic is the single largest cause of internet business failure other than people not promoting their sites at all.
The other main reason for people not succeeding with their internet business is trying to be all things to all people, if you are trying to be number 1 for 100 different phrases and you are trying to do this all by yourself you are almost guaranteed to fail.
It is better to focus your attentions on a few carefully chosen keywords that you can dominate in the search engines, a professional SEO company will be able to recommend phrases that are related to your business, have a low competition rate and also have people searching for it month after month and this is exactly the sort of phrase you should be competing for.