If you have the chance to talk with the sites owner about the goals of the site and who the competition are then this stage is much easier, but even if you do not have access to the sites owner you can still work out the nature of the site with a little more work.
Get a pen and paper and look through the site, jot down what you think the site is about, what the site is trying to get you to do, make a purchase, give you information , get you to interact with it etc.
Write down words that are related to the sites subject, if it is about share trading on line, then you might include words like;
Share dealing
Buy shares
Share trading
These are just base words to work from, they are far from a final list and can be just 2 words related the topic or a list of 50, at this stage they are just to get us thinking along the right lines.
So to recap we have established
a) What the site is about
b) What the site owners need the visitor to do
c) We have a broad list of words related to that site’s subject (not the action – just the topic)
This list of words is your seed list, the list you are going to grow your keywords from.